Arquivo da tag: móveis

Blu Dot, loja móveis design, Soho em NY

Móveis com design muito legais, muita personalidade, estilo contemporâneo. Para quem curte coisas de casa, design, vale a pena uma visita na Blu Dot no Soho, uma espiada no que os três designers estão aprontando…

“Our goal is to bring good design
to as many people as possible.”

That means creating products that are useful, affordable, and desirable. To make that happen, our design process is founded on collaboration. Not just among ourselves as we play show-and-tell with concepts, but a total collaboration between pencil and paper, materials and machines, even packaging and assembly. We like to think that the form is almost inevitable, a by-product of the process. Our job is simply to help it emerge as beautifully and as efficiently as possible.

– John Christakos, Charles Lazor, Maurice Blanks (retirado do site oficial da marca)

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Arquivado em Lojas, Nova York, shopping, USA